Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Letter To Congressman James T. Walsh (R. NY, 25th District)

James T. Walsh, originally uploaded by Wazdat!.

Please Come See Your People!

Sent to Representative James T. Walsh, and to the Syracuse Post Standard:

Dear Sir:

I understand that you are on the fence as to what you should do concerning Social Security. On the one hand, your party and your President are calling for you to step in line with their approach to “saving” Social Security. On the other, your constituents feel that they are better informed about the Social Security situation and feel that the Republican approach is a cure that is not only worse than the disease, but a poison for a disease that doesn’t exist. I feel that listening to your constituents is the better choice, and if you heed my invitation, you will hear what your constituents have to say.

Your constituents are worried that the shortfall Bush warns about occurring in 2018, will occur much earlier if money from the deficit is borrowed to pay for privatized accounts. They are worried that this would affect the Social Security of their grandchildren. Likewise, they know that would have to be severely regulated to the point where they are virtually restricted to the very thing that our present Social Security is already based on, Treasury bonds. Thus the private accounts really do not make any improvements in Social Security.

In This Together, CNY Alliance for Retired Americans, Greater Syracuse Labor Council, Central New York Labor Council (Utica, NY), The Oswego County Labor Council, and The Working Families Party, are planning a Town Meeting, a public forum on Social Security. They wish to invite you, Congressmen Boehlert and McHugh, Senators Schumer and Clinton and their representatives. It is to be held at Grant Middle School on Thursday, June 23rd, 2005. The aim is to discuss the important, and potentially destructive changes being proposed for Social Security. They wish to invite you, and I wish to invite you, as my Congressman to this forum.

You will hear how real people feel about the Social Security issue. I’m sure that no one will have to be screened, or otherwise invited, or approved of in order to attend this meeting. What you will get is the real deal, how people truly feel about an institution that has stood by them through thick and thin, always could be counted on, and really doesn’t need drastic unnecessary dangerous surgery.


George A. Wojtowycz

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