A Very Revealing Press Conference
The True Situation In Iraq, as Revealed by Mssrs Bush and Jaafari, as revealed by the
The sheer transparency of the american occupation of Iraq was laid bare in the last segment of the
PRESIDENT BUSH: Final question, Mr. Prime Minister. Would you --
Q Mr. Prime Minister, I am a presenter on radio in Iraq. My question is for you. For more than two years we've started a change in Iraq, but the process of building is very slow. There are secure cities in Iraq, Samarra and Kurdistan. When will you begin the reconstruction in Iraq? When do we begin to establish the first bases of reconstruction? And you know that if you started reconstruction in Iraq it will mean that young people will have something to do, and they will leave terrorist activities. So the question is for Mr. Prime Minister. There were discussions held with the President Bush, and the most important thing you discussed with him we want to know about it.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Sometimes we don't tell you things, you know. (Laughter.) No, we discussed a lot of important things. We discussed democracy, we discussed having the constitution there, and we discussed security, we discussed reconstruction.
We are spending reconstruction money, but, you know, you need to ask that to the government. They're in charge. It's your government, not ours. This is the government that is --that has got the ministries in place that spends the money. We're willing to help, and we have helped. And I want to thank the Congress and the American people for their generosity in helping Iraq rebuild. And we're spending money.
But, remember, your question kind of made it seem like --that we're in charge. We're not. You had elections; 8.5 million people voted, and this good man is now in charge of the government. I don't want to be passing the buck, as we say, but we're more than willing to help reconstruction efforts, but this is a sovereign government --
PRIME MINISTER JAAFARI: Thank you, very much.
PRESIDENT BUSH: --with an elected Prime Minister by the people of Iraq. And so we want to look forward to working with the government. Our role is to help. His role is to govern and lead. And we've got the money allocated. Obviously, it's important to get electricity to the Iraqi citizens and clean water to the Iraqi citizens. And, you know, I was pleased to see the other day when I was reading that there's a lot of air traffic in and out of the airport now, quite a lot of air traffic. In other words, there's commerce beginning to develop. We want to be helpful. But the responsibility rests with the people who the Iraqi people elected. And that's you, Mr. Prime Minister.
PRIME MINISTER JAAFARI: Thank you, Mr. President. Of course, there were many points discussed with the President, Mr. Bush, in our special meeting, and we talked about so many facts. It was the first meeting between us, so we talked directly about the democracy in Iraq and the constitution, the achievement of the constitution, and we decided to continue the case of security until everything is well established.
And at the same time, we thought that there is a Marshall project after the Second World War that contributed --the
U.S. contributed in that and in the Truman's government when they presented assistance to the German people. German people had selected Hitler in a democratic process that had a 98 percent result, however, we are quite happy with this hospitality of the U.S. So Germany was able to work.
The Iraqi people did not elect Saddam Hussein. In fact, they suffered a lot from Saddam Hussein before he attacked the geographical adjacent countries. He took their money before he took the money of Kuwait. He occupied Kuwait, in fact, as he did, and there is a lot of indications to tell us that the Iraqi people are innocent of all that had happened. They have to pay off their --so many debts, and we hope that all countries will stand beside us to correct this unexceptional [sic] situation. They did not commit any crime against any people, they are peaceful. But it was Saddam Hussein who committed the crimes. And he brought about so many debts and losses to the Iraqi people.
We look forward to the international community to stand beside us, and we believe that this is a humanitarian stance. And we hope that Mr. Bush will try to redo a Marshall Plan, calling it the Bush Plan, to help Iraq, to help the Iraqi people. And this would be a very wonderful step that they stand beside us.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. Thank you all. ''
Today I heard my President very proudly... pass the buck to an operative. And no one can tell me that Jaafari was there as an equal !
No one can challenge the position that the United States is the real master in lraq. As a matter of fact, when expounding on the "War On Terrorism", Bush & Co. won't hesitate to brag about how they're in control. Yet when the question of finally rebuilding Iraq came up, Bush committed the unthinkable. The unbridled Conqueror of Iraq publicly disavowed any responsibility to rebuild what he had destroyed, and hid like a coward behind his stooge!
And oh, how stupidly he had begun! Not only does he rudely butt in to answer a question meant for Jaafari, but he betrays his discomfort at the very idea of betraying his unpreparedness at reconstructing Iraq. I love this line:
'' Sometimes we don't tell you things, you know ".
Yeah, "you know" I swear I could've heard his patented "heh, heh!" at the end of that statement!
He then proceeded to explain how it wasn't his responsibility to begin the rebuilding, but that it would depend on the actions of the '' Iraqi Government":
"We are spending reconstruction money, but, you know, you need to ask that to the government. They're in charge. It's your government, not ours. This is the government that is --that has got the ministries in place that spends the money. We're willing to help, and we have helped. And I want to thank the Congress and the American people for their generosity in helping Iraq rebuild. And we're spending money''.
Bush's press conference of the 23rd on Iraq clearly illustrates who the true masters of lraq are. True, Jaafari was there, but it was clear who's hand was up who's butt. It was especially clear at the end, when Jaafari was forced to back a play that must have been humiliating. I listened to that exchange, and l saw and heard Bush at his most self-serving, and base.
Ah! The hypocrisy! A disingenuous Bush suddenly got self - conscious:
''I don't want to be passing the buck, as we say, but we're more than willing to help reconstruction efforts, but this is a sovereign government --''
'' Passing the buck '' ? ! But that's EXACTLY what you did George ! It doesn't matter what the Iraqi government says, They've only a fledgeling army. You have a considerably larger force. You imposed so-called "sovereignty" according to the neocon Master Plan! And you are telling me that you don't have ultimate responsibility? Once again you ask a minion to pull your fat out of the fire?
'We are spending reconstruction money...''
Tell me then, how is the reconstruction coming along, Mr. President ? Why don't we hear about it on CNN, or MSNBC?
And Bush the Space Commander-in-Chief rhapsodizes:
''And, you know, I was pleased to see the other day when I was reading that there's a lot of air traffic in and out of the airport now, quite a lot of air traffic. In other words, there's commerce beginning to develop. We want to be helpful. But the responsibility rests with the people who the Iraqi people elected. And that's you, Mr. Prime Minister.''
No, that's YOU Mr. Bush!